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How to Install Zoom and Join Virtual Meetings

Videoconferencing apps have become exceedingly common in the workplace. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they are nothing short of vital. At The Law Offices of Mark Little, we are offering virtual services via Zoom because we want to stay as connected as possible with our clients during this crisis.

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing app designed for the following platforms:

  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Web Browser
  • Email
  • Messaging
  • Telephone
  • H.323/SIP

This app allows us to meet “face-to-face” with clients while adhering to state and federal social distancing guidelines. It also offers privacy settings to guarantee security during confidential meetings.

The following is a brief overview of how to download Zoom and join a meeting.

Installing the App

You do not need an account to use Zoom. If you choose to create one, you can select a default name, host your own meetings, and access other features. Otherwise, you can join meetings without signing in.

Before joining a meeting, however, you will need to download the app. If you don’t do this before the meeting, you will be prompted to do so when you click the link to join.

Joining the Meeting

You will need a 9, 10, or 11-digit meeting ID to join a meeting on a computer or mobile platform. When you join, you will enter your name, unless you have signed in and created a default name. You will then choose whether to join using just audio or both audio and video.

If you are joining a meeting using a browser such as Chrome, go to and enter the meeting ID in your invite. If you were invited via email, you can simply click the link and will not need to enter the ID. If you are joining by phone, your invite will provide a teleconferencing number to call in.

For more details, features, and platform-specific instructions, visit

Contact The Law Offices of Mark Little to Get Started

We understand that you may be handling unexpected challenges due to COVID-19, and we want to make your legal process as efficient and painless as possible. Per the Governor’s executive order, our office is physically closed, but we are continuing to serve our clients via Zoom, phone, email, and text.

For your free virtual consultation, call (888) 392-0409 or contact us online today.